Location: MIT Sloan School of Management, 100 Main Street, E62-450, Cambridge, MA 02142
These informal lunch seminars include early results from current MIT research projects and guest presentations from our Digital Economy network. Some seminars are recorded and made available online.
Seminars meet 11:45am-1:00pm. The Spring 2017 series included:
February 1 - Andreas Weigend (UC Berkeley and Fudan); video available here.
March 1 - Bo Cowgill (Columbia University)
March 24 - Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University); video available here.
April 5 - Michael Zhang (HKUST Business School)
April 12 - Avi Goldfarb (University of Toronto); video available here.
April 26 - John Van Reenen (MIT)
May 3 - Maarten Goos (Utrecht University School of Economics and MIT); video available here.
May 10 - Hal Varian (Google)
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